In my position here at Westmoreland Cleanways, I drive around the county A LOT, presenting educational programs to preschoolers, school age students, youth groups and adult groups. All of this driving gives me an opportunity to really see the state of our roads, and truthfully I’m embarrassed by the amount of trash I see while driving.
Spring is the perfect time to rectify this situation, before the vegetation grows too high and hides the litter. Be it making a conscience effort to pick up 1 piece of litter a day, or taking a trash bag out to fill on your daily walk, or planning a day with a few friends to clean up a specific spot…. any “litter” bit helps
Westmoreland Cleanways and Recycling can provide cleanup supplies (trash bags, safety vests, gloves, limited supply of “grabbers”, and road signs) We can also help make arrangements with local municipal officials to collect the trash if necessary. Call the office at 724-879-4020 or email us for more details.
Keep PA Beautiful hosts Pick UP PA in coordination with the Great America Cleanup. You do not have to register your cleanup efforts with Keep PA Beautiful to receive supplies from us, but it is helpful. By registering your event, (even a 1 person event) it’s a great way for us to keep track of litter collected as well as all of the amazing hard work Westmoreland County citizens put forth. By registering, your event totals becomes part of a larger state wide (Pick-Up PA) and Country wide (Great America Cleanup) effort.
This Spring let’s try to put in a “litter bit” of effort to help maintain the environmental qualities of our county for the benefit of all who live, work, and visit herein? And don’t forget to report your litter collection totals through PICK UP PA!!